In an effort to set the bar weirdly, David's first Drinking on the Edge was buoyed by a round of unusual beers, wines, and spirits. First up were two Belgian beers from the relatively large (for Belgium) Timmerman's brewery; a 2012 vintage Gueuze and a 2019 Kriek (cherry) shared with Epicurean regular Mike. Secondly he popped corks on two bottles of Spain's leading bubbly, Cava; a fresh & young basic brut from Vilarnau best-suited for relaxing after (or during) a tough day at work, the second a serious 2015 vintage Gran Reserva from Roger Goulart. Third and finally he was helped along in tasting a Mexican spirit native to the Chihuahuan Desert, sotol, by Epicurean whiskey lover Martin. This Los Magos brand is the best example of sotol David's tasted to date, and it dazzled Martin, too.
Produced by Matty Rosenberg and David Furer at Radio Free Rhinecliff
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